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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 16, Issue 4, pp. 663-906

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On the Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Kinetic Equations

M. J. Leitman

pp. 663-674

Generalized Operator Riccati Equations

Hendrik J. Kuiper

pp. 675-694

An Abstract Model for Radiative Transfer in an Atmosphere with Reflection by the Planetary Surface

W. Greenberg and C. V. M. van der Mee

pp. 695-702

Linear Operators Related to Time-Invariant Discrete Filters

José M. Moral Medina

pp. 703-712

Strong Resolvent Convergence of Diffusion Operators

Harold E. Benzinger

pp. 713-724

On the Singularities of Singular Sturm–Liouville Expansions and an Associated Class of Elliptic P.D.E's

Ahmed I. Zayed and Gilbert G. Walter

pp. 725-740

Functional Perturbations of Second Order Differential Equations

William F. Trench

pp. 741-756

The Condition of Ordinary Integral Convergence in the Asymptotic Theory of Linear Differential Equations With Almost Constant Coefficients

Jaromír Simsa

pp. 757-769

Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions of a Class of Higher Order Ordinary Differential Equations

Takasi Kusano and Bhagat Singh

pp. 770-784

Order Stars, Approximations and Finite Differences II. Theorems in Approximation Theory

A. Iserles

pp. 785-802

$n$-Widths and Optimal Interpolation of Time- and Band-Limited Functions II

Avraham A. Melkman

pp. 803-813

Rational Approximations to the Exponential Function with Two Complex Conjugate Interpolation Points

Ernst Hairer, Arieh Iserles, and Syvert P. Nørsett

pp. 814-821

Directionally Dependent Asymptotic Behavior of Biharmonic Functions with Applications to Elasticity

Kenneth B. Howell

pp. 822-847

Completeness of the Eigenfunctions of the Equilateral Triangle

Mark A. Pinsky

pp. 848-851

Hypergeometric Functions of Scalar Matrix Argument are Expressible in Terms of Classical Hypergeometric Functions

Rameshwar D. Gupta and Donald St. P. Richards

pp. 852-858

An Infinite Series with Products of Jacobi Polynomials and Jacobi Functions of the Second Kind

Mizan Rahman and Mihr J. Shah

pp. 859-875

Multiple Hypergeometric Functions and Simple Lie Groups ${\bf {\text{SL}}}$ and ${\bf {\text{Sp}}}$

Jan Hrabowski

pp. 876-886

Some Explicit Padé Approximants for the Function ${{\Phi '} / \Phi }$ and a Related Quadrature Formula Involving Bessel Functions

Jet Wimp

pp. 887-895

Asymptotic Expansions of Mellin Transforms and Analogues of Watson's Lemma

Avram Sidi

pp. 896-906